I have been reading and learning a lot about steadfastness, specifically in the scriptures referenced in the first chapter of the book of James in the Bible. I know anyone who understands the English language or can use a dictionary can quickly learn what the word ‘steadfast’ means. The important part that I am trying to focus on is what being steadfast in your faith actually means.

When we think about being steadfast in the faith we often picture ourselves defending the principles of our faith, the dogma or tenets. The Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Westminster Catechism, or any number of Catechisms authored by others who have been before us and inspired through scripture and living with God. A member of a denomination will stand up and defend their group’s position on certain topics and will not be swayed. Often this is what people who grow up in the Church see as steadfastness in faith. Then there are the fatalists, people in the predetermination camp, in Christianity who know their actions are determined before time memorial thus they are only walking through something that merely is like a play on a stage, written and set before it ever begins. Steadfast faith in this area is believing that everything that happens is God’s will regardless of the outcome. Most groups believe that evil will overcome the world and destroy it bringing a great tribulation on all of mankind. In this scenario, steadfast faith is required simply to be in Christ as the spiritual and physical forces in this scenario are committed mainly to separating a Christian from their faith.

The environment that we are in currently is the real trial that we face and has been in existence throughout much of history, except for short time periods. Being coerced into seeking relief and fulfillment through TV and Internet, deciding on whether you will or will not seek God on a matter, the circumstances of life not pushing us into the arms of God are the most dangerous of times I think we could live in. So what is steadfast faith in this time? I think steadfast faith in this time, as in all times, is the daily practice of making Jesus King over all of your life. Every scenario, every trial, and every mundane decision bowing the knee to Christ is what I think James would be talking about in this day. Right now darkness is much more subtle in its way to get us to forget who sits on the throne. The threat of darkness overwhelming the world is only ever an arms length away and that keeps us occupied on the future while we give up ground to darkness in the present. I think that is why Jesus spoke about being in the present, “for tomorrow will care for itself.” We need to be present in the here and now, defending that territory, being steadfast in that territory. If we did that we wouldn’t really need to worry about the future nearly as much as the present would take care of the trajectory we would be on.

So what is faith right now? Faith is believing in Jesus, but not simply believing in Him. Remember James said that the demons believe and tremble as well. Steadfast faith is believing that Jesus is in authority over your specific situation. That the safest place you could be is in Christ, even if it could mark you for death with other groups. (You realize that other groups would mark you for death simply because they wish the world to be afraid of or to walk in the truth that Jesus is King.) That Jesus has authority over all of creation, even the dark stuff, and you need not bow the knee to anything less than Christ. It is true, God puts people in authority over us to watch over us and to do their duty. But they must do so within their given authority, not under authority they wish to extend or abuse. We must believe that if the authority given to people that God has put over us is being abused that He ultimately will take care of it.

The only reason God would not be able to be in authority over your specific situation is if you give prominence to something or someone else over Him that He has not put in authority over you. In this situation it would be important to reorient yourself or seek help from someone in case you were not able to see what it was that you allowed to take precedence over God’s appointed place in your life. The desire to do what is right in the belief that this causes righteousness, not Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, is something that can supplant the gift of righteousness over a believer. Don’t be deceived, there is no list of rules or law you could follow that will make you righteous. There’s a person and His name is Jesus. This is the steadfast faith, that Christ has made a way and that He is the only way to the Father and a life of righteousness. To seek anything less, or even mentally complex, is a complete waste of your time.